As I often have to handle some website login with python, I have been looking for a good module to handle Cookies etc. for.

One module for this is NetConnect, but it was lacking some functions I was looking for.

So I ended up writing my own for my needs.

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Python3 urllib wrapper with Cookie support
Supports request and urlretrive on
Conenction which need Cookies
for auth or other"""
__author__ = "Frederik Lauber"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014"
__license__ = "GPL3"
__version__ = "0.5"
__maintainer__ = "Frederik Lauber"
__status__ = "Development"
__contact__ = ""
import os
import re
from shutil import copyfileobj
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import build_opener, HTTPCookieProcessor, Request
from http.cookiejar import CookieJar

class CookieCon(object):
    """Object which holds all cookies etc."""
    def __init__(self, encoding='utf-8', userAgent=None):
        self._encoding = encoding
        self._cookiejar = CookieJar()
        self._opener = build_opener(HTTPCookieProcessor(self._cookiejar))

        if not userAgent is None:
            self._opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', userAgent)]

    def _encode_dict(self, header_dict):
        """Function used to encode dicts based
        on the given encoding"""
        encoded_headers = dict()
        for header, value in header_dict.items():
            encoded_header = header.encode(self._encoding) 
            encoded_value = value.encode(self._encoding)
            encoded_headers[encoded_header] = encoded_value 
        return encoded_headers

    def _encode_url(self, params=None):
        """Function used to encode urls based
        on the given encoding
        If params is None or has length 0,
        None will be returned.
        This was implemented as self._opener
        also takes None as an argument if 
        no params are needed
        if params is None or not len(params):
            return None
            return urlencode(self._encode_dict(params)).encode(self._encoding)

    def request(self, url, params=None):
        from CookieCon import CookieCon
        con = CookieCon()
            get-request, returns response
        con.request("", {'foo': 'bar'})
            post-request, returns response
        with, self._encode_url(params)) as sock:

    def urlgetfileinfo(self, url):
        """Returns a tuple with the filesize and filename
        as defined in the Content-Length and Content-Disposition headers.
        If the header does not exist, None will be returned"""
        with, method="HEAD")) as sock:
                header =['Content-Disposition']
                filename ='(?<=").*(?=")', header).group(0)
            except Exception:
                filename = None
                filesize = int(sock.headers['Content-Length'])
            except KeyError:
                filesize = None 
        return (filename, filesize)

    class NoFileName(Exception):
    def urlretrieve(self, url, folder, optname = None):
        from CookieCon import CookieCon
        con = CookieCon()
        con.urlretrive("", "~/home/")
            Downloads to ~/home/, resumes if file already exists.
            The filename is discovered by the Content-Disposition header
        con.urlretrive("", "~/home/", "")
            Downloads to ~/home/, resumes if file already exists.
            The given filename is used.
        If no filename is given nor discovered, a NoFileName exception is raised.
        This will not check that the given foldername and filename are valid but 
        raise an exception.
        (urlname, urlfilesize) = self.urlgetfileinfo(url)
        filename = optname if optname is not None else urlname
        if filename is None: 
            raise self.NoFileName
        filesize = float("inf") if urlfilesize is None else urlfilesize
        filepath = os.path.join(folder, filename)
            currentsize = os.path.getsize(filepath)
        except os.error:
            currentsize = 0
        if currentsize < filesize:
            headers = {"Range":"bytes=%s-" % currentsize}
            encoded_headers = self._encode_dict(headers)
            with, headers=encoded_headers)) as sock:
                with open(filepath, "ab") as file:
                    copyfileobj(sock, file)

Have fun and I hope it is as useful to you as it is to me.


